Attendance Policy/Late Policy

An absence is recorded whenever a child misses more than one-half day of school.

As important as daily attendance is, it is important that a child be kept home whenever he/she is ill. Do not send your child back to school until he/she is fever-free for at least 24 hours. It is not acceptable to send a child to school if he/she wakes up with a fever.

Excused absences: Personal illness of student, death in the immediate family, and recognized religious holidays are considered excused. Other absences are reported as unexcused. Up to three absences may be excused with a note from the parent explaining the nature of the illness. A doctor’s note is necessary for all other absences to be excused. Written excuses stating the reason for absences must be signed and dated by the parent or guardian and filed with the school the first day the student returns. Excuses may be turned in by the end of each marking period. Excuses turned in after the marking period will not be accepted.

Unexcused absences: Absences that do not meet the stated criteria for being considered “excused” or for which there is not a written statement from the parent are recorded and reported as unexcused. Out of town trips are unexcused.

IMPORTANT: State Law [TCA 49-6-3007 (e) (1)] requires that schools notify the Social Worker / Attendance Officer when a child is absent for any 5 or more days (not necessarily consecutive) of unexcused absences.

Hamilton County Board Policy states, “Tardiness will not be tolerated as it consistently detracts from the time spent on task. Each interruption takes away from the class concentration.” Remember that the school day begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.
Dismissals from school before the end of the school day tend to disrupt the regular learning environment and are discouraged. They may be granted for doctor or dental appointments, or extreme emergencies. Prior notification of these appointments is requested. Parents must come to the office to sign out students. From there, students will be called for dismissal. The only persons allowed to sign a student out for dismissal are those adults listed on the dismissal form.
Expect school personnel to ask for identification. This is for the safety of your child.
A student missing over half (1/2) day by early dismissal or being tardy shall not be counted as present on attendance reports. A student who is tardy more than 3 times per grading period or dismissed early more than 3 times will not be considered for awarding perfect attendance that grading period.
If there is to be a change in a student’s usual dismissal procedure, the parent must notify the teacher in writing. No transportation changes can be made after 2:45 p.m. If an emergency arises and warrants school contact, a parent/guardian must call or come to the school office. The school will not be responsible for changes left on a teacher’s voice mail. This includes information about someone new or different picking up the student. We will not allow a student to go with someone not listed on his or her registration form unless notified by the custodial parent or guardian in writing. Children will not be allowed to call home to find out where they are to go at dismissal, nor to get permission to go home with a friend.
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